
Concept Explanation


The biological world is enormously diverse. There are about 8.7 million species of plants and animals is present on the earth. The variety of organisms that we can see around is called as the biodiversity. There has to be an approach that enables us to get an idea of a group of Organisms by studying a particular type. This calls for a systematic arrangement of organisms on the basis of their similarities and dissimilarities. Systematic arrangement of organisms on the basis of their relatedness is called taxonomy. As defined by Ernst Mayr, taxonomy is the theory and practice of classifying organisms. The study of taxonomy gives an idea of the range of diversity of organisms, and also throws light on their relatedness.

How classification helps ?

The aim of classification is to identify and arrange organisms in such a manner that they fall into natural groups. Organisms are classified on the basis of the most obvious characters. Thus, classification helps establish a hierarchy of groups of organisms on the basis of their common features. This is useful in the following ways:

  • It makes the systematic study of the wide variety of organisms. 
  • It gives us a clear picture of all organisms and the way they are related to each other. 
  • It provides a base for different branches of biology. 
  • For instance, it helps map the distribution of flora and fauna in different parts of the world - a subject known as biogeography. It is also useful in the study of ecology, which deals with the interrelation between organisms and their relation with the environment.
  • Taxonomy also provides the foundation for advancement in those branches of science which are directly useful to us, e.g., medicine and agriculture. Being able to identify a disease-causing organism or an agent which spreads it, for example, is always a help in finding ways of fighting against it.
  • Important term

    Hierarchy: It describes a system that organizes or ranks things, often according to power or importance. Each step in hierarchy represents a rank or category. Since the category is a part of overall taxonomic arrangement, it is  called the taxonomic category.


    Sample Questions
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    Question : 1

    Prokaryotes are the organisms which are characterized by ________________________

    Right Option : D
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    Right Option : C
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